Consumer Claim
Consumer Complaint

Pursuant to Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act (NN 41/14, 110/15, 14/19, 19/22) and Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the Act on the Provision of Tourism Services, we inform consumers that dissatisfaction regarding the provided service can be expressed by filing a complaint in person at the business premises, by mail in written form, or via email.

Service user complaints/reclamations can be submitted:

    In person at the business premises at the address: Ante Starčevića 32, PTC Sv. Nikola B15, 21300 Makarska
    In writing to the address: Planinarski put 9, 21300 Veliko Brdo, Makarska
    By email:

All complaints received in the aforementioned ways will be processed in accordance with applicable regulations, and we will respond in writing within 15 days of receiving the complaint.

If the service user is dissatisfied with the response to the written complaint or if no response is received within the prescribed period, they may file a reclamation within 30 days from the day of receiving the response to the complaint.

Check rates

00385 98-588-758
08:00 - 22:00